AP Test Day Instructions


2024-2025 AP Testing: 

Location:  Littleton High School
College Credit: Log onto www.apcentral.collegeboard.com to find out if your college
accepts your AP tests as college credit

What to bring:
Bring your ID, a snack, and water.

What NOT to bring:
Drinks(other than water), cell phones, smartwatches, computers

Angie Zerr
School Counselor/AP Coordinator


Click here for the 2024 Test Schedule: AP Testing 2025

Click here for the 2023-2024 Test Calendar: May 2025 IB & AP Exam Schedule

Please Arrive 15 mins before testing time (7:45 am for morning tests, 11:45 am for afternoon tests)

Mrs. Angie Zerr, AP Coordinator
The Advanced Placement Program at Littleton provides the opportunity for students to take college level courses in high school. Participation in these classes may lead to one or more of the following benefits depending on the outcome of AP exams in May:
  • Exemption by a college or university from beginning courses and permission to take higher level courses in certain fields.
  • Academic credit awarded for exams taken.
  • Tuition savings - up to a year of credit may be given for qualifying AP grades.
  • Additional time to explore undergraduate subject areas that a student wouldn't otherwise be able to study
  • Eligibility in college for honors and other special programs open to students who have received AP recognition.
Students who have been in honors level classes, or who demonstrate superior knowledge in certain subject areas, are encouraged to pursue Advanced Placement classes. Departments offering such courses include: language arts, math, science, social studies, foreign language, music, and art. Students may also cross-enroll among the three district high schools. Students are encouraged to take AP classes during their junior and senior years of high school, and in some instances students have started these programs in their sophomore year.
In May of 2023, 152 Littleton High School candidates took 220 exams; 21 of these exams received scores of 5, 67 received scores of 4, and 84 received scores of 3. 78% of the exams received scores of 3 or better.

Please click here for complete information about payment for the 2022-2023 exams: AP payment letter 2023-2024.pdf