Former Lions/Alumni

Thanks for your continued interest in Littleton High School!

If you need a copy of your transcripts, request records and transcripts here.

Need reunion information or want to be included on an alumni list? Please complete our google form. If we receive reunion information, we will post it below as well.

Looking for a campus tour for your reunion class? Please contact our Student Council (StuCo) staff sponsors to schedule. For the 2024-2025 school year, StuCo sponsors are Becky Shew and Megan Schwabauer. Most tours are the weekend of Western Welcome Week in August as folks really like to attend the parade and our students are back in school to lead tours.

Or, you can go to other non-Littleton affiliated sites such as: to catch up on alumni news, get added to their database and find out reunion info. *Please note that these sites are not sponsored or maintained by Littleton High School.

This article about an LHS alum from the class of 1991 who is treating COVID patients in a Chicago hospital. Always good to see LHS alums doing good out in the world.

Alumni Events


Class of 1985 Reunion

Friday, August 15, 2024

Tour of LHS from 3:30-4:30pm



Save the Date - Lions on the Links Golf Tournament - June 9, 2025 

Lone Tree Golf Course - 8am shotgun start - More info available in February.