(UPDATED February 21, 2025 at 7:15 a.m.) ALL LPS SCHOOLS CLOSED. ACTIVITIES CANCELED. After carefully monitoring weather conditions and forecasts, all Littleton Public Schools are closed today, Friday, February 21, 2025. All school-sponsored activities are also canceled or rescheduled. // TODAS LAS ESCUELAS DE LPS ESTÁN CERRADAS. ACTIVIDADES CANCELADAS. Después de supervisar cuidadosamente las condiciones meteorológicas y las previsiones, todas las Escuelas Públicas de Littleton están cerradas hoy, 21 de febrero de 2025. Todas las actividades patrocinadas por las escuelas también quedan canceladas o reprogramadas.

Delay/Closure Procedures || Procedimiento de Retraso/Cierre

Post Grad

College Rep Visits

The Post Grad Center is now located in the Library, which is a great location to host college visits!  Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities.  Speaking in person with a college admissions counselor can help students learn information that is not available on a website and is a great way to show demonstrated interest in a school.  Students are asked to register for college rep visits on SCOIR and may pick up a pass from Post Grad if they need to be excused from class.  A full list of visits is viewable on SCOIR and printed lists are posted in the library and outside the cafeteria.


Typically, the FAFSA opens up for completion on October 1. As you may be aware, the FAFSA underwent a major overhaul last year, which resulted in delays and complications. To ensure a smoother rollout for the next cycle, the FAFSA will not open until December 1.

Not surprisingly, FAFSA completion rates were very low last year. LHS has set a goal of 80% FAFSA completion for the current class.  Many families believe that they make too much money to be eligible for Financial Aid.  At a recent workshop, Colorado College indicated that the college awards "robust aid to families who make up to $250,000". In addition, many colleges require the FAFSA for academic scholarships. Therefore, we encourage ALL seniors to complete the FAFSA. To get a head start on the process, students and parents can create a studentaid.gov accountAccess the FAFSA website.

The CASFA (Colorado Application for State Financial Aid) is the State Financial Aid application for undocumented, Colorado ASSET students. The CASFA bridges equity gaps and creates access to postsecondary education for Colorado ASSET students. The CASFA parallels the FAFSA and will also open in December. Find out more about CASFA including eligibility criteria. 


For Much More Up-To-Date and Comprehensive Information and Resources

Please Join 

The Post Grad Google Classroom

(Classroom code: lnu5atu, all lower case letters)

Everyone knows about Khan Academy, right?

Kahn Academy has produced a wonderful series of short videos covering all aspects of writing your college essays. Access this comprehensive series. The videos cover topics including:

  • Brainstorming for essay ideas
  • Writing a strong essay
  • Avoiding common mistakes
  • Taking your college essay to the next level

NOW is a good time to check these videos out and start getting ideas down on paper.  Ms. Walker and Ms. Reimers are happy to help you proofread/edit your essays.  Or, you can ask your language arts teacher or your parents to help do this.  Be sure to have someone other than yourself read through all of your application writing before you submit!


Local Scholarships

Up to date list of local scholarship opportunities. 

The Littleton High School Post Grad Center is staffed four days a week to help LHS students plan for their future.  Our goal is to meet with every student, no matter what their goals are.  Although students are welcome to come in any time, we set up individual planning meetings with juniors every spring and then follow up with students in the fall of their senior year.  Trained parent volunteers assist with junior and senior meetings and we couldn’t meet with every student without them!  If you are interested in becoming a Post Grad Volunteer, please email Kate Walker at kwalker[at]lps.k12.co[dot]us

The Post Grad Center also coordinates all college rep and military visits to LHS as well as programs such as the annual Trade & Tech Fair, College Information Night, Financial Aid Night, etc. 

This adds up to amazing opportunity for students to get the information, access to tools and resources, and the coaching they’ll need to maximize their post LHS opportunities.

If you have questions, please contact Ms. Kate Walker (kwalker[at]lps.k12.co[dot]us).

One-on-One Senior Meetings

Every LHS Senior will meet one-on-one with a trained Post Grad volunteer either during an OFF period or during after school time during September and early October.  Seniors will sign themselves up for these meetings, using the SignUp Genius platform and live links that will be provided by their Seminar teachers.  This is the same process that students used last spring to sign up for your Junior Meetings. These meetings will continue the discussion that we began with students during the spring of their Junior year about their lives after high school graduation.  Students can choose to focus on the college search and application process, or on the many excellent alternatives to college: skilled trades/tech education and career options, certificate programs, apprenticeships, and the military. 

All Seniors should already be familiar with our online college search/planning/application tool, SCOIR and how to log on and use the amazing array of tools this platform offers. If students have questions about any of this, feel free to stop by Post Grad for some help. In their Senior Meetings this fall, students will be exposed to lots more information about the college/trade school application process, as well as exactly how to accomplish the required tasks. Remember!...the detailed instructions for requesting a transcript and requesting teacher letters of rec are on the homepage of students' Naviance accounts. There are several steps for both processes, so be sure to follow the instructions carefully.

Attendance at Senior Meetings is required, but don't worry, you won't want to miss out!

Non-College Options for "Life After Littleton"

The Post Grad Center strongly encourages all students to develop a plan for their "Life After Littleton". Whether your plan includes pursuing a college degree or not, EVERY student needs to continue their life's education.  This can include:

  • 4 year college degrees
  • 2 year college degrees
  • training for a certificate in a specific field
  • apprenticeships in a skilled labor field
  • joining the military

We've put together a neat presentation, titled "Doorways" to help students/parents begin to consider all of the options available for after high school graduation. Take a few minutes to view the presentation.  It will help you understand more about your choices. Also, check out the link in the lefthand column of this page title "Alternatives to College".