IB Prospective Students

How and when to apply

The IB interest form for current LHS students can be found here.

The IB interest form for current 8th graders who will enter high school in the fall of 2025 is available here. This application must be completed by the student as it has a brief essay question. 

Please note the open enrollment and IB applications are separate but simultaneous processes, handled by different offices. Be sure to submit complete applications to the appropriate office (open enrollment to the Counseling Department; IB to the IB Department). The open enrollment windows have changed.

For details on how to proceed with open enrollment, please click on the how to enroll tab on the LHS website. 

Letters regarding IB admissions decisions are mailed once your IB interest form is complete and your open enrollment is approved.

Why apply in 8th grade?

The IB Diploma Program (IB DP) is a two-year course of study during the 11th and 12th grades. Why, then, do we ask 8th graders to apply for enrollment on the "IB track" when they begin 9th grade at Littleton High School?

First, some of our IB DP courses have prerequisites that students must take in the 9th or 10th grades. By indicating as incoming 9th graders that they intend to pursue the IB DP, students become active in our IB databases where we check their academic progress and course enrollment to be sure they have what they need before they enter the DP as 11th graders.

Next, the Littleton High School IB department hosts occasional informational meetings for current students and their parents throughout the school year. When students enroll on the "IB track," their parents may participate in IB parent events and receive communications about meetings, special programs and social happenings.

8th grade visits

Click here for the 8th grade visits page.