(posted January 20, 2025 at 2:00 p.m.) 2-HOUR DELAYED START - ALL LPS SCHOOLS. After carefully monitoring the forecast for extremely low temperatures in the early morning hours, the decision was made to have a two-hour delayed start for all LPS schools on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. The forecasted temperatures improve as the day progresses. / 2 HORAS DE RETRASO EN EL COMIENZO - TODAS LAS ESCUELAS DE LPS. Después de supervisar cuidadosamente el pronóstico de temperaturas extremadamente bajas durante las primeras horas de la mañana, se tomó la decisión de retrasar dos horas el comienzo de todas las escuelas de LPS el martes 21 de enero de 2025. Las temperaturas pronosticadas mejorarán durante el curso del día.

Delay/Closure Procedures

Staff Pages

Teaching Staff

Unified Arts (Teach electives and/or classes across all grade levels):

PE- Bowlen, Michelle
Strings- Eilert, David
PE- Folk, Brad 
STEM, Metals, Woods - Gaston, Diane
G/T- Calkins, Lisa
Instructional Coach - Blake, Kendy
Yearbook, Drama, Film - Enley, Mindy
Art- Etchells, Karen 
Choir- Stephens, Elizabeth
Band- Eilert, David
Spanish- Marshall, Janelle

Support Staff


Broer, Chad (Principal)
Meier, Logan (Assistant Principal)
Nath, Brandy (Assistant Principal)

Mental Health Team:

Christensen, Lynn (Counselor - 6th Grade last names A - L & 8th Grade)
Cook, Angela (Registrar, Counseling Office Admin Assistant)
Perry, Lauren (School Social Worker)
Ritchie, Tiffany (School Psychologist)
Valerio, Kacey (Counselor - 6th Grade last names M - Z & 7th Grade)

Special Education Staff:

Cozart, Nancy (TVI/COMS)
Gustafson, Dawn (7th Grade Resource Teacher)
Kasaini, Mable (6th Grade Resource Teacher)
Massie, Avery (Center-Based Teacher)
Thurmond, Anne (8th Grade Resource Teacher)
Folk, Amy (Speech/Language Pathologist)
Quinlan, Jill (Occupational Therapist)
Perry, Lauren (School Social Worker)
Ritchie, Tiffany (School Psychologist)

Special Education Support Staff:

Fortin, Lacey - LSS Paraprofessional
Fox, Rosemary  - LSS Paraprofessional
Lebel, Karen - Resource Paraprofessional
Martinez, Alisa  - LSS Paraprofessional
Martinez, Ezekiel - LSS Paraprofessional


Support Staff:

Benton, Michael (Media Coordinator/Technology)
Cook, Angela (Registrar, Bookkeeper, Admin Asst to Brandy Nath)
Curic, Zijada (Food Services)
Durbin, JoDee (Attendance, Admin Assistant for Mr. Meier)
Fisher, Tim (LPD Officer/SRO)
George, Darren (District Security Officer)
Hasiak, Nathan (Custodial Maintenance)
Houlette, Kate (Food Services)
Linnick, Laurie (Office Manager, Admin Assistant for Chad Broer)
Littleford, Marnie  (Health Assistant)
Sosa, Katie (Food Services)