Gifted and Talented

Powell has an unparalleled variety of options for gifted and talented students.  A large percentage of the students at Powell are identified as gifted and talented, and because of this, we offer many options and choices for students who demonstrate advanced capabilities and skills.

Course Options

Sixth Grade Accelerated Core Courses:  Math
7th & 8th Grade Accelerated Core Classes:  Accelerated Math and Advanced Language Arts

6th -8th Grade Elective Courses:  Reading, Speech, Critical Thinking, Modern Technology, Connections, Exploratory Technology, Introduction to Digital Media, Mad Science, Choir, Spanish Culture, Art, Wood Tech, Drama, Family and Consumer Sciences, Creative Writing, Timeless History, World Solutions, Marine Science, Human Body Systems, Film Studies, Construction & Woodworking, Metals, Fitness, PE, Band, Orchestra, Spanish.

Differentiation within the Classroom

All teachers at Powell strive to meet the needs of each and every student.  The staff at Powell has been trained to differentiate instruction within the classroom and every child benefits from the variety of teaching methods utilized here. Teachers work to integrate the concepts of critical thinking and problem solving--strengths of our GT kids.  They differentiate for students by ability-grouping, offering alternative assignments and offering choices based on interests and skills. Independent study opportunities are available as well.

Powell G/T Facilitators:

6th Grade - Jennifer Budden, Jbudden[at][dot]us
7th Grade - Lisa Calkins, Lcalkins[at][dot]us
8th Grade - Josh Franklin, Jmfranklin[at][dot]us