(UPDATED February 21, 2025 at 7:15 a.m.) ALL LPS SCHOOLS CLOSED. ACTIVITIES CANCELED. After carefully monitoring weather conditions and forecasts, all Littleton Public Schools are closed today, Friday, February 21, 2025. All school-sponsored activities are also canceled or rescheduled. // TODAS LAS ESCUELAS DE LPS ESTÁN CERRADAS. ACTIVIDADES CANCELADAS. Después de supervisar cuidadosamente las condiciones meteorológicas y las previsiones, todas las Escuelas Públicas de Littleton están cerradas hoy, 21 de febrero de 2025. Todas las actividades patrocinadas por las escuelas también quedan canceladas o reprogramadas.

Delay/Closure Procedures || Procedimiento de Retraso/Cierre

Header: Salary Schedules

2024-2025 School Year Salary Schedules

LPS/LEA Collective
Bargaining Agreement

The Collective Bargaining Agreement is a labor contract between Littleton Public Schools (LPS), School District Number Six, Arapahoe County, Colorado and the Littleton Education Association (LEA). The LEA represents district Teachers and Special Service Providers. Negotiating teams meet during each school year to revise the previous Agreement. The Agreement is then formally approved by the Littleton Public Schools Board of Education, and by a vote of the LEA membership. With the exception of compensation and insurance which are negotiated annually, the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement are effective August 1.  

Image button: Collective Bargaining Agreement

Image button: Classified Staff Personnel Handbook

Image button: Work Year Calendars

2023–2024 School Year Salary Schedules

2021–2022 School Year Salary Schedules

2022–2023 School Year Salary Schedules