(UPDATED February 21, 2025 at 7:15 a.m.) ALL LPS SCHOOLS CLOSED. ACTIVITIES CANCELED. After carefully monitoring weather conditions and forecasts, all Littleton Public Schools are closed today, Friday, February 21, 2025. All school-sponsored activities are also canceled or rescheduled. // TODAS LAS ESCUELAS DE LPS ESTÁN CERRADAS. ACTIVIDADES CANCELADAS. Después de supervisar cuidadosamente las condiciones meteorológicas y las previsiones, todas las Escuelas Públicas de Littleton están cerradas hoy, 21 de febrero de 2025. Todas las actividades patrocinadas por las escuelas también quedan canceladas o reprogramadas.
Delay/Closure Procedures || Procedimiento de Retraso/CierreLittleton Public Schools recognizes the educational and cultural value of international exchange programs and foreign exchange students and authorizes the admission of a limited number of non-immigrant foreign exchange students to the education programs offered in the district’s schools in accordance with Board Policy JFABB and accompanying regulation. The district reserves the right to deny admission to any student, in accordance with applicable law.
Littleton Public Schools is proud to host foreign exchange students at our high schools. Students who are placed in our high schools are exposed to the same experiences as our traditional students. They enroll in the same rigorous courses, participate in athletics and co-curricular activities, and they join pep rallies, dances and other school events.
In accordance with Board Policy JFABB-R:
In accordance with Board Policy JFABB-R:
In accordance with Board Policy JFABB-R:
This option is for foreign exchange students who are in an educational and cultural exchange program.
For space availability information and consideration, please email the District's Designated School Official, (DSO) at foreignexchange[at]lps.k12.co[dot]us. Please include the exchange agency's name, the student's name, and desired high school.
*Space availability must be confirmed prior to submission of any application documents.
All documents must be completed and received no later than June 1st for consideration. LPS is no longer accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year.
This option is for foreign exchange students who want to attend an LPS school while staying with an adult resident of the district that has been given temporary guardianship like a relative or family friend. The student will live in the home of that temporary guardian and the student must meet all legal requirements for a student F-1 visa.
For space availability information and consideration, please email the District's Designated School Official, (DSO) at foreignexchange[at]lps.k12.co[dot]us.
*Space availability must be confirmed prior to submission of any application documents.
The following documents will need to be submitted to the DSO for consideration:
If approved by building's principal, the DSO will share an I-20 checklist with the family. The checklist includes all documents necessary for the completion of an I-20 form. Some of the required I-20 documents will have already been submitted previously during the review process. Once all documents and tuition are received, the DSO will issue the I-20 form to the family which is what will be needed to apply for the F-1 visa.
For more information, please visit, https://studyinthestates.dhs.gov/.
All documents must be completed and received no later than June 1st for consideration. LPS is no longer accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year