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  • SchoolCafe Reminder: Sign Up Today to Complete Benefits Form

    We hope you are getting back into the swing of the new school year!  If you haven't done so already, now is a great time to make sure you have signed up for a SchoolCafe account, which is our new meal software system we started using in January!  With a SchoolCafe account, you can easily view your students' school menus, add money to their accounts (which allows them to purchase items in addition to the free breakfast and lunch they receive as part of Healthy School Meals for All), view their account history, set purchasing limits, and this is also the easiest way to fill out the Benefits Form!  We encourage all families to fill out a benefits form each year because, even though meals are free, the information collected in these forms may qualify your student for additional benefits such as waived school fees, reduced priced internet, etc.  The information collected also helps with the funding for our Nutrition program, so we are able to continue to provide fresh, exciting choices for our students each and every day! Signing up for SchoolCafe is easy!  For more information on how to get signed up, please visit our SchoolCafe page linked here. For more information on filling out the Benefits Form, please visit our School Benefits Applications page linked here.

  • Summer Feeding Program

      School is out, but free meals are still in! Join us for our Summer Food Service Program Mondays-Thursdays from June 3rd-July 25th (closed June 19th, July 4th-July 5th) for all kids 18 and under! Meals will be served at Field Elementary School. Breakfast will be served between 8:00AM-8:30AM, lunch will be served between 11:00AM-12:00PM. All meals must be consumed on-site. Summer camps may pick up meals at an earlier scheduled time. Contact Dominika Hannah at 303-347-4387 for more details.   ¡Se acabó la escuela, pero todavía hay comidas gratis! Únase a nosotros para nuestro programa de servicio de alimentos de verano de lunes a jueves del 3 de junio al 25 de julio (cerrado el 19 de junio, el 4 de julio al 5 de julio). Las comidas se servirán en la escuela primaria Field. El desayuno se servirá de 8:00 a. m. a 8:30 a. m. y el almuerzo se servirá de 11:00 a. m. a 12:00 p. m. Todas las comidas deben consumirse en el lugar. Los campamentos de verano pueden recoger las comidas a una hora programada más temprana. Comuníquese con Dominika Hannah al 303-347-4387 para obtener más detalles.

  • Changes to Point-of-Sale Platform

    Starting December 26, 2023, Nutrition Services will be transitioning from LINQ Connect to SchoolCafe as the new point-of-sale system for the remainder of the 2023–2024 school year; however, menus will continue to be available on LINQ Connect. While you will be able to create an account and link it to your student, some information will not transfer to the new system (like account balances) until the start of the new semester.  Here are a few essential points to note about the point-of-sale platform transition: Transfer of Student Files: Your student's file will be transferred from LINQ Connect to SchoolCafe on December 26, 2023. This transfer includes account balances, ensuring a seamless transition. Student Balances: Rest assured, all student balances will be transferred to SchoolCafe. You will retain your existing balance without any loss or disruption. Action Required: After December 26, you will need to create an account with SchoolCafe. You will need your student ID for this step. If you do not know your student ID, it can be found in Infinite Campus. Verify your account balance and review and confirm your account preferences. If you do not set up an account with SchoolCafe, you will not be able to add money to your child’s account or get notifications. Check out a video walkthrough on how to add money to your child’s account and how to apply for free and reduced price meal benefits. Menu Platform: While the point-of-sale system is changing to SchoolCafe, our menu platform will continue to be available through LINQ Connect for the remainder of this school year. For now, families will need to use both apps.    Learn more in the LPS Newsroom.


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District Announcements

  • We Need Your Help! LPS Legislative Call to Action

    Dear Littleton Public Schools Parents, Employees, and Community Members: The 2025 Colorado Legislative Session is in full swing, and what we are hearing from the Capitol is concerning. The state does not have enough money to continue to fund some of the programs it implemented in recent years, and the legislature is once again looking to balance the state budget at the expense of Colorado’s public school districts. We are asking you to contact our legislators and tell them how critical the following three points are to you in order to protect funding for Littleton Public Schools. School funding should be a consistent and predictable model with growth factors that remain in place for multiple years. Per pupil funding in Colorado is the dollar amount schools receive for each student, calculated through a state formula that considers factors like district size, cost of living, and student needs. Currently, the national average per pupil dollar amount is $15,633. The Colorado average per pupil dollar amount is $11,394. The LPS per pupil dollar amount is $10,896 – significantly less than the state and national average. It is important that the legislature maintain student count averaging, which allows districts like LPS to adjust to decreases in enrollment, staffing, and offerings so that students are not drastically and negatively impacted by a funding cliff. LPS would lose $5.7 million annually without averaging. For context, it takes about $5.7 million to fund 56 staff members. >LPS opposes any state or federal legislation with underfunded or unfunded mandates or mandates that negatively impact district operations.  For context, Healthy School Meals for All and Universal Preschool are both important, but underfunded, mandates. LPS supports healthy meals for students, as well as preschool opportunities for our youngest learners, but we also expect the state to identify consistent funding streams to support these important programs and other mandates without sacrificing the funding promised to districts. Special education is a significantly underfunded state and federal mandate. The funding LPS receives from the state and federal government only covers 25 percent of the costs to serve our students. This means that LPS must use millions of general fund dollars every year to fund the majority of these critical student services. Littleton Public Schools strives to ensure that 100 percent of LPS students graduate prepared for meaningful post-secondary opportunities. These efforts require predictable and sustainable resources. You can learn more about these legislative priorities on the district website. Thank you for actively advocating for your schools and our community’s children! Sincerely, Todd Lambert Superintendent ¡Necesitamos su ayuda! Llamado a la acción legislativa de las Escuelas Públicas de Littleton Estimados padres, empleados y miembros de la comunidad de las Escuelas Públicas de Littleton: La sesión legislativa de Colorado de 2025 está en pleno desarrollo y lo que estamos escuchando desde el Capitolio es preocupante. El estado no tiene suficiente dinero para seguir financiando algunos de los programas que implementó en los últimos años y la legislatura está, una vez más, buscando equilibrar el presupuesto estatal a expensas de los distritos escolares públicos de Colorado. Les pedimos que contacten a nuestros legisladores y les hagan saber cuán importantes son los siguientes tres puntos para usted, a fin de proteger la financiación de las Escuelas Públicas de Littleton. La financiación de las escuelas debe ser un modelo consistente y predecible, con factores de crecimiento que se mantengan en su lugar durante múltiples años. La financiación por estudiante en Colorado es la cantidad en dólares que la escuela recibe por cada estudiante, calculada mediante una fórmula estatal que considera factores como el tamaño del distrito, el costo de vida y las necesidades del estudiante. Actualmente, el promedio nacional por estudiante es de $15,633. El promedio actual por estudiante en Colorado es de $11,394. La cantidad por estudiante en LPS es de $10,896, ¡significativamente menos que el promedio estatal y nacional! Es importante que la legislatura mantenga el promedio del conteo de estudiantes, lo que permite que distritos como LPS se ajusten a la disminución de inscripciones, personal y programas, de manera que los estudiantes no se vean drásticamente y negativamente afectados por un recorte de fondos. LPS perdería $5.7 millones anualmente sin el promedio. Para ponerlo en contexto, se necesitan aproximadamente $5.7 millones para financiar a 56 miembros del personal. LPS se opone a cualquier ley estatal o federal con mandatos subfinanciados o no financiados, o mandatos que impacten negativamente las operaciones del distrito. Por ejemplo, "Healthy School Meals for All" (Comidas Escolares Saludables para Todos) y la educación preescolar universal son mandatos estatales subfinanciados. LPS apoya las comidas saludables para los estudiantes, así como las oportunidades preescolares para nuestros estudiantes más jóvenes, pero también esperamos que el estado identifique fuentes de financiamiento consistentes para apoyar estos programas importantes y otros mandatos sin sacrificar los fondos prometidos a los distritos. La educación especial es un mandato estatal y federal significativamente subfinanciado. El financiamiento que LPS recibe del gobierno estatal y federal cubre solo el 25% de los costos para atender a nuestros estudiantes. Esto significa que LPS debe utilizar millones de dólares de fondos generales cada año para financiar la mayoría de estos servicios estudiantiles críticos. Las Escuelas Públicas de Littleton trabajan para asegurar que el 100% de los estudiantes de LPS se gradúen preparados para oportunidades postsecundarias significativas. Estos esfuerzos requieren recursos predecibles y sostenibles. Puede obtener más información sobre estas prioridades legislativas en el sitio web del distrito. ¡Gracias por abogar activamente por sus escuelas y los niños de nuestra comunidad! Atentamente, Todd Lambert Superintendente

  • Entrepreneurship Pitch Night at EPIC Campus

    Join us for the EPIC Campus Entrepreneurship Pitch Night!  Come see innovation in action as our student teams pitch their business ideas and showcase their products & services!  Monday, March 10 6:00–8:00 p.m. EPIC Campus Open to the public! RSVP today! The top four teams will compete for the EPIC Venture Cup, presenting to a panel of industry leaders, while other student entrepreneurs will be showcasing their products. It’s a night of creativity, competition, and community—don’t miss out!

  • SSAC Seeks Curo Recognition Submissions

    The Littleton Public Schools Special Services Advisory Committee is pleased to announce the 13th Annual Curo Celebration. Curo is the Latin word for to care for or to pay attention to, and is a fitting word to use to honor individuals who make a difference in the lives of children with disabilities. This award recognizes the dedication and commitment of individuals who impact the life of an LPS student with special needs. Any LPS community member, staff member, or student is eligible to receive the recognition. We will celebrate the contributions of all who are recognized. The Special Services Advisory Committee will review all of the submissions and will select approximately 5 for additional recognition at the celebration. All of our honorees will be celebrated at a reception at the EPIC Campus on April 22, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.  Complete the recognition form.  Submissions are due by March 7, 2025. Each person or family may not recognize more than 3 individuals, and you may not recognize a member of your own family.    For questions, please contact Carla Larson Burnell, Director of Student Support Services 303-347-3472 or clarson@lps.k12.co.us. El Comité Asesor de Servicios Especiales de las Escuelas Públicas de Littleton se complace en anunciar la 13ª Celebración Anual Curo. Curo es una palabra latina que significa cuidar o prestar atención, y es una palabra apropiada que se usa para honrar a las personas que sobresalen por cambiar a mejor las vidas de los niños con discapacidades. Este premio reconoce la dedicación y el compromiso de las personas que han marcado una diferencia en la vida de un estudiante con necesidades especiales de LPS. Cualquier miembro de la comunidad de LPS, cualquier miembro del personal o cualquier estudiante son elegibles para recibir este reconocimiento. Celebraremos las contribuciones de todos aquellos que hayan sido nominados. El Comité Asesor de Servicios Especiales revisará todas las presentaciones y seleccionará a aproximadamente 5 para un reconocimiento adicional en la celebración. Todas las personas galardonadas serán homenajeadas en una recepción en el campus EPIC el 22 de abril de 2025 a las 6:30 pm. Completar el formulario de reconocimiento.  Se aceptan las nominaciones hasta el 7 de marzo de 2025.  Cada persona o familia no puede reconocer a más de 3 personas, y usted no puede reconocer a un miembro de su propia familia.    Si tiene preguntas, por favor, póngase en contacto con Carla Larson Burnell, Directora de Apoyo al Estudiante  303-347-3472  o clarson@lps.k12.co.us