David Eilert, Sponsor
Fellowship of Christian Athletes clubs exist to provide a place for student-athletes and those who like athletics to meet together in a safe and fun setting. The huddle is student-led and allows athletes to share about their athletic involvement and their beliefs. The huddle is open to any student.
Students meet from 7:40 - 8:10 on Thursday mornings in room 3025. They play a quick game, eat donuts, share thoughts about their academic endeavors the past week and upcoming events, and one student shares a brief devotional.
First meeting: 8/22/24
Other meeting dates:
August January
29 09
September February
05 06
12 13
19 20
26 27
October March
03 03
10 13
24 20
November April
7 03
14 10
21 17
December May
05 01
12 08
19 15
Room or location of meetings: 3025