Early Access

What is Early Access?

Littleton Public Schools, in accordance with the Colorado Exceptional Children’s Education Act (ECEA) and Board Policy JEB (Entrance Age Requirements), allows students who do not meet the entrance age requirement for enrollment in kindergarten to apply for early access to kindergarten the following criteria must apply:

  • The student is transferring from an accredited state or private kindergarten. Only accreditation from state and/or national organizations will be accepted.


  • In order to apply, your child must be 4 years old before school starts in kindergarten as documented by a legal birth certificate or other acceptable record. They must meet the criteria for gifted and talented identification as outlined in Colorado House Bill 08-1021.

The decision for a child to enter school early can have a profound effect on his/her academic and social performance for the remainder of the child’s school career. It is a decision that must be taken very seriously.

Applications for Early Access to kindergarten are only accepted for the upcoming school year from January 3rd - April 1st of that year for the next school year. 

No applications will be accepted after the April 1st deadline.

How do I apply?

  • Parents must contact the elementary school which they plan to attend and notify them of their interest in Early Access to kindergarten.
  • Parents will then be directed to complete the online application. (Haga clic aquí para obtener la solicitud en línea en español.)
  • The District Coordinator for Gifted & Talented will then mail the portfolio packet to be completed by the parent(s) or legal guardian(s). In order to proceed with the process, only completed portfolios will be accepted.


Should you have any further questions or are interested in this process, please contact the Coordinator for Gifted & Talented at 303-347-3477 or by email at jshannon[at]lps.k12.co[dot]us.

What does the process look like?

Our robust process for determining eligibility for Early Access is outlined below. It is important to remember that this is NOT a process to see if a student is "school ready." This process is used to determine if your child is so highly gifted they are being done a legal disservice not having access to public education.

  • Complete this online application expressing interest
  • You will be sent a portfolio packet. 
  • Complete the portfolio including gathering rating scales from preschool teachers, completing observation scales, and gathering work samples from your child. Return the portfolio to our office:
      5776 S Crocker Street
      Littleton, CO 80120
  • A review team led by the district GT Specialist and including an administrator, GT Facilitator, school Psychologist, and a Kindergarten teacher from the school where your child will enroll will review the portfolio and conduct an interview with your student. 
  • The team then determines if there is enough evidence to move forward to formal assessment. 
  • The child will participate in a full cognitive assessment with a school Psychologist. If (as required by the state) they score at the 97%ile or above on the cognitive we will move to achievement testing.
  • The student will attend a second round of assessment with the school Psychologist to determine achievement in reading, writing, and math. The student must score at the 97%ile in reading and writing and math to meet Colorado Department of Education eligibility requirements. 
  • After all assessments are complete, the Review Team will meet again to discuss the completed portfolio and assessments and determine if the child meets the eligibility requirements for Early Access.
  • All determinations are made by April 1st