The HealthyWage weight loss contest was a huge success! Competing against school districts across the country, LPS' 93 participating employees collectively lost 790 lbs.! Their average loss percentage was 4.2%, which equates to an average loss of 8.5 lbs. per person.
The Franklin Fabulous Fleshy Five won $1,500 by finishing in 14th place overall, out of 256 teams nationally, with a combined loss of 11.1% of their starting weights. The top 5 teams from LPS were Franklin, Get Fit Shaced (finished in 30th overall and lost 8.38%), Big Money Hustlers (finished 35th place overall and lost 8.09%), Grounds Beefcakes (finished 50th overall and lost 6.57%) and Dwindling Divas (finished 76th place overall and lost 4.42%). You are all amazing!
Littleton Public Schools is deeply committed to promoting a healthy school and work environment for students and staff, by supporting wellness, good nutrition and regular physical activity.