PTO Presidents Council (PPC)

The PTO Presidents Council (PPC) is comprised of each school's PTO President or designee. The group meets each month September through April. The PPC affords PTO presidents the opportunity to learn about issues affecting the school district, share information with each other, and serve as a sounding board for the superintendent and the Board of Education. 

2024–2025 Meeting Dates

PLEASE NOTE: Beginning in the 2024–2025 school year, PPC meetings are typically scheduled for the first Thursday of the month from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Education Services Center unless otherwise noted.

Sept. 5, 2024
Agenda / Notes

Oct. 3, 2024
Agenda / Notes

Nov. 7, 2024
Agenda / Notes

Dec. 5, 2024

Jan. 9, 2025 at EPIC Campus
Agenda / Notes

Feb. 6, 2025
Agenda / Notes

Mar. 13, 2025 (Mar. 6 is an Elem Non-Student Day)
Agenda / Notes

Apr. 3, 2025
Agenda / Notes

May 1, 2025
Agenda / Notes

Important Tasks Calendar


  • Download, read, sign, and keep with your Form 990 paperwork this Conflict of Interest form.  You may need to turn this form in with your Form 900 preparation materials.
  • Meet with your outgoing president/officers to collect materials, transfer distribution lists, share user names, passwords, etc. Review the year.
  • Review your PTO bylaws and plan to update if necessary. If updated, send a new copy to the PPC for the file.
  • Hold a transition meeting involving outgoing officers/chairs and incoming officers/chairs.  
  • Meet with your treasurer to have them get your name as a signatory.  
  • Schedule your yearly review of finances by an outside person.
  • Meet with your principal to schedule regular meeting dates for the two of you, create a tentative schedule for your general PTO meetings and special events, and determine PTO hospitality duties for Back to School activities.
  • Set a meeting date for your executive board toward the end of the summer.

June - July

  • Rest!
  • Meet with fundraising committee chairs regarding contracts, payments, prizes/incentives, Conflict of Interest Agreement, and sales tax changes (if any).
  • Review monthly bank statements.
  • Review the PPC leadership materials.
  • Set goals for the upcoming year related to finances, fundraising, communication, participation/volunteers, teacher care, etc.
  • Write your welcome letter for the August school newsletter and/or Back to School packet.
  • Prepare committee folders/online resources.
  • Update any PTO welcome materials for new parents and parents of kindergartners.


  • Have a Welcome Back party for your new team:  introduce new members, share goals, walk through expectations, share PTO contact info. and meeting dates, and have fun!
  • Have your treasurer provide your annual financial information to the PPC, which will be used to complete the PPC Form 990 to the IRS. (see the Treasurer's Handbook for details.)
  • Prepare for your first meeting of the school year.
  • Work with your principal on communications protocols between the PTO, parents, and staff.
  • Listen to the "buzz" as people prepare for the new year!


  • Sign and turn in to the PPC the Conflict of Interest Statement.
  • Have your treasurer pay your PTO's share of the tax preparer's bill.

PPC Handbook
updated fall 2020

PTO Treasurer's Handbook
Updated August 2021

School PTOs...

  • Are autonomous unincorporated associations, separate from the central organization (PPC) and from each other except to the extent required to meet group exemption.
  • Are self-governing and have their own bylaws and procedures for selection of officers.
  • Keep their funds segregated from the funds of the other PTOs and the PPC.
  • Determine what activities they will conduct and how funds will be expended to support their individual schools.
  • Collect sales tax and remit to the proper authorities.
  • Use individual tax ID number according to rules.
  • Compile accounting data in prescribed format for the purpose of filing Form 990 annually (fiscal year beginning July 1). PPC has an agreement with a certified public accountant to prepare the individual 990 forms required for IRS reporting. Each PTO will be charged a fee for this service. Individual PTO treasurers may contact the CPA for consultation; additional fees will be charged to the school PTO for these services.
  • Are responsible for submitting its treasurer reports to the CPA for the preparation of the joint tax filing. 
  • Turn in year-end financial information by the deadline.  Any PTO who does not meet deadlines established by the CPA runs the risk of being excluded from the PPC’s filing. 

Questions about tax filings, tax-exempt status, EIN numbers, etc? Contact:

Mogg & Associates, LLC
Certified Public Accountants and Consultants
5601 S Broadway Ste 440
Littleton, CO 80121
Office: (720) 945-9100
Fax: (303) 974-1115
Ask for Gwen

Contact Us

Michelle Docter
PPC President

Liz Glenn
PPC Vice President

Diane Leiker
LPS Chief Communications Officer
Staff Liaison to the PTO President's Council

Nicole Moyer
Communications Manager

Joint PTO Scholarship Committee

Taking continuing education for your position as an educator? Why not apply for financial assistance from the Joint PTO Scholarship Committee? It's a free application that can be used for continuing education credit that will benefit LPS and your school!

Learn more about it and apply for the 2024–2025 scholarship!

Applications are due Wednesday, February 12, 2025.

Check out the printable flyer!

Email jptoscholarship[at]gmail[dot]com with questions.