2024-2025 Information
Finding Care
Convenience Care Clinics
Clinica de acceso facil
Prescription Coverage or RX Coverage
Pharmacies in the Cigna 90 Now Network
The Cigna 90 Now network was added to both Cigna plans effective July 1, 2018 and allows you to fill a 90-day supply of a maintenance medication at a retail location. Pharmacies that are in the nationwide Cigna 90 Now network include:
Retail pharmacies that are not part of the Cigna 90 Now Network will continue to fill maintenance medications in a 30-day supply.
Additional Information
Cigna Virtual Care All Services
Cigna Virtual Care Know Before You Go Customer Document
Exclusive Specialty Home Delivery Accredo
Home Delivery- Pharmacy Customer FAQ
Eligible and Ineligible Expenses
Telehealth Connection
Wellness - programs to help you manage your health
2024-2025 Information
HSA Bank administers the Health Savings Account for Littleton Public Schools.
To be eligible for an HSA you must be enrolled in either the CIGNA CDHP or the Kaiser HDHP health insurance plan.
A Cigna One Guide representative is available to you now to provide personalized and useful guidance in making your healthcare choices.