Header: Cigna

Cigna Open Access Plus Plan (PPO model)

  • Not necessary to select a primary care physician.
  • Visit any Cigna Open Access Plus network provider-no referrals.
  • Member has coverage beyond urgent/emergency care outside the Cigna Open Access Plus network and out of the service area at a higher deductible and coinsurance level.

2024-2025 Information


Additional CIGNA Information

Finding Care

Know Before You Go

Convenience Care Clinics
Clinica de acceso facil

Prescription Coverage or RX Coverage

Pharmacies in the Cigna 90 Now Network  

The Cigna 90 Now network was added to both Cigna plans effective July 1, 2018 and allows you to fill a 90-day supply of a maintenance medication at a retail location.  Pharmacies that are in the nationwide Cigna 90 Now network include:

  1. CVS/Target
  2. Walmart
  3. Kroger (including King Soopers, City Market, Harris Teeter Pharmacy, Pick N Save Pharmacy, Fred Meyer Pharmacy, Fry's Food and Drug)
  4. Access Health (including Benzer Pharmacy, Marcs, Big Y Pharmacy, Marsh Drugs, LLC, Snyder Drug Emporium)
  5. Good Neighbor Pharmacies (including Big Y Pharmacy, Super RX Pharmacy, Medical Center Pharmacy, Family Pharmacy, King Kullen Pharmacy)
  6. Cardinal Health (including Freds Pharmacy, Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, Harris Teeter Pharmacy, Medicap Pharmacy).

Retail pharmacies that are not part of the Cigna 90 Now Network will continue to fill maintenance medications in a 30-day supply.

Additional Information

Cigna Virtual Care All Services
Cigna Virtual Care Know Before You Go Customer Document
Exclusive Specialty Home Delivery Accredo
Home Delivery- Pharmacy Customer FAQ
Eligible and Ineligible Expenses
Telehealth Connection
Wellness - programs to help you manage your health 

Cigna Consumer Driven Health Plan/Health Savings Account (CDHP/HSA)

  • 2024 HSA Contribution Limits: Single $4,150; Family $8,300
  • Employees age 55 or older are allowed a catch-up contribution up to an additional $1,000 annually.
  • The district contribution for employee only coverage is $1,250 per year or $104.17 per month. The district contribution for family coverage is $1,700 per year or $141.67 per month. When calculating how much to contribute to the HSA, be sure to deduct the district's contribution from the IRS limit.
  • Higher deductible than traditional plans, and includes employee health savings account (HSA) partially funded by the district. Employee can contribute additional amounts to their HSA through pre-tax payroll deductions.
  • Triple tax saving advantage.
  • Not necessary to select a primary care physician.
  • Visit any Cigna Open Access Plus network provider-no referrals-a national network.
  • No coverage outside the provider network other than emergency care.

2024-2025 Information

hsabank logo "hsabank own your health"

HSA Bank administers the Health Savings Account for Littleton Public Schools.

To be eligible for an HSA you must be enrolled in either the CIGNA CDHP or the Kaiser HDHP health insurance plan.

Cigna One Guide - Choose your plan with confidence

A Cigna One Guide representative is available to you now to provide personalized and useful guidance in making your healthcare choices. 

One Guide Customer Benefits Overview

Button: Employee Benefits

Nurse Advice Line


Talk to a nurse 24-hours a day to help you determine the appropriate level of care you need and  find a location near you.
