October is the official month of the Powell Direct Donation Drive!
This is Powell’s largest fundraiser! Easy, Efficient, Successful!
This drive gives Powell the power to invest in each and every one of our student’s education and future!
Help us reach our goal and strive for continued excellence!
100% of donations go directly to Powell
Goal: $25,000
Suggested Power of a Puma Donation: $150 / student
This is just a suggested amount but any monetary contribution donated is greatly appreciated.
Your entire donation is tax deductible.Click here to be directed to the Powell PTO website to make your donation now!
How? You can donate on Infinite Campus while paying your school fees or donate online.
Corporate Match - Double your donation with corporate matching! Check and see if your company matches contributions. Please contact Jan McElhiney for instructions before you donate, as special instructions apply.
Thank you for your time and investment. Thank you to those who have already donated!
Please contact Jan McElhiney with any questions. (janmcelhiney[at]comcast[dot]net)