The Middle School Social Studies Instructional Resource Review committee members have completed their review of available middle school social studies instructional resources.  They 
are recommending Pearson Publishing’s MyWorld 6 Colorado edition, MyWorld 7 Colorado edition, and American History: Beginnings to Reconstruction for middle school social 
studies instruction.  All of these resources will support and enhance the instruction of the Colorado Academic Standards for Social Studies.  The instructional resources will be on display 
in the foyer of the Board Room at the Education Services Center (5776 South Crocker Street, Littleton) from April 4th through April 28th.  A community information session to answer 
questions will be hosted in the foyer of the Board Room on Tuesday, April 19th from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. The recommendation will be presented to the Board for discussion on April 14th.