Professional learning in Littleton Public Schools centers on improving the learning of all students. We believe every student deserves to experience great teaching every day.
Shifts in Professional Learning in LPS
Professional Learning Communities
We strive to develop authentic professional learning communities at each site where a culture of learning is established for all staff with a clarity on school goals, a focus on student results, and collective responsibility for students through collaboration. When teachers apply their shared knowledge and experience, every student benefits from the expertise of every teacher and no student relies on just the knowledge and expertise of a single teacher. We believe collaboration among educators builds shared responsibility and improves student learning.
We adhere to the National Staff Development Council's Standards for Staff Development.
Evaluation of Professional Learning
Effective professional development transforms practice. Indicators of change in teacher practices and student learning are evidenced in these five areas:
District Learning Opportunities
District level classes offered and institutes present an opportunity for building shared language and common experiences for developing common understandings. Professional learning needs identified in multiple school sites through an analysis of student learning precipitates the offering of district level classes. The Universal Literacy Framework is an example of a district expectation for implementing a district wide standard for literacy instruction components and time allotments. District classes support implementation.