(posted January 20, 2025 at 2:00 p.m.) 2-HOUR DELAYED START - ALL LPS SCHOOLS. After carefully monitoring the forecast for extremely low temperatures in the early morning hours, the decision was made to have a two-hour delayed start for all LPS schools on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. The forecasted temperatures improve as the day progresses. / 2 HORAS DE RETRASO EN EL COMIENZO - TODAS LAS ESCUELAS DE LPS. Después de supervisar cuidadosamente el pronóstico de temperaturas extremadamente bajas durante las primeras horas de la mañana, se tomó la decisión de retrasar dos horas el comienzo de todas las escuelas de LPS el martes 21 de enero de 2025. Las temperaturas pronosticadas mejorarán durante el curso del día.

Delay/Closure Procedures

Board of Education adopts resolution: All Means All


Read the Resolution

Read Brian Ewert’s letter to the community

During its regularly scheduled meeting October 26, 2017, the Littleton Public Schools Board of Education signed and adopted, A Resolution to Reaffirm the Littleton Public Schools Board of Education Inclusive Practices and Beliefs That “All Means All.”

The Board chose to draft such a resolution to demonstrate its commitment to the district achievement goal, “One hundred percent of LPS students will graduate prepared for meaningful postsecondary opportunities.” Board members noted that in LPS, All Means All.  They discussed how rhetoric of intolerance, discrimination and violence has been emerging across the nation and around the world, and the LPS community is not disconnected from these events; what happens within society always finds its way to the schoolhouse door.  

The Board’s conversation began after instances of hate speech and actions had been reported in schools.

In a letter to LPS parents and staff in September, Superintendent Brian Ewert made it clear that such language and behavior will not be tolerated in LPS schools and that a number of programs are in place in our schools that teach children the appropriate way to interact with one another.  Ewert asked parents to partner with schools to address issues of intolerance.  

Board President Jack Reutzel noted that Board policies have addressed the issues of intolerance for years, but there is now a need to emphasize them.  

“This is important work that aligns with the goals of the Board of Education,” said Ewert. “When we say that one hundred percent of our students will graduate prepared for meaningful postsecondary opportunities, we mean every student. All students are welcome in our schools and will be treated with dignity and respect. This is a fantastic school district in a wonderful community, and together we can successfully address these issues.  It’s the right thing to do for our students.”