“Love in Action” Volunteers Revamp Field Elementary Campus

On Sunday, August 23rd, Field Elementary School was the beneficiary of an incredible donation of time and talent from the “Love in Action” team from Mission Hills Church. More than 200 volunteers logged upwards of 1300 hours of volunteer work, improving the elementary campus for students the following day.

The “Love in Action” team had an incredible impact on the look and feel of the school’s exterior, completing many significant projects. Nearly 20 trees that were dead or dying were removed from the property by a professional tree trimming company and several adult and high school volunteers. One group of volunteers, who set out to replace a few treads and spindles on the deck and ramp that connect Field’s portable classrooms, wound up completely rebuilding it. Working from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., the volunteers had the new deck and ramp ready for students the following day.

Simultaneously, more than one hundred other volunteers—from preschool children to grandparents—extricated weeds, trimmed overgrown trees and bushes, planted flowers, raked leaves and cleared the entire fence line of overgrowth and saplings. Others built a wooden planter box and filled it with flowers to freshen up the back entrance where kids come to school each day. Another group of volunteers overhauled the school garden, removing weeds, laying weed paper, mulching and prepping planters so that Field students will be able to participate in fall planting.

“The Field Community, staff and students are very grateful for their generous donation of time and talent to Field Elementary School,” said Field Principal Lyn Bajaj. Nearly every square inch of Field’s property was touched through this generous donation of time, talent and kindness from the Mission Hills Church volunteers.