A message to the Littleton High School community

September 3, 2024

Dear LHS Community,

I want to thank you for your support as we have navigated the recent LHS and law enforcement investigations into misconduct within the LHS football program. While the law enforcement investigation continues, we have completed our internal district investigation and are moving forward with football team activities and competition.

While we cannot discuss any individual cases, we can share that our investigation discovered incidents of hazing, including an alleged assault, as well as a range of other inappropriate behaviors and practices within the football program.  These behaviors absolutely do not reflect our school values or expectations.  As a result, school disciplinary consequences were issued.  Additionally,  the former head coach is no longer employed with the program.   

We are grateful that Chad Koepke, a longstanding LHS teacher and an experienced coach, has agreed to lead the team as head coach this season. Coach Koepke began practices with the players this past Wednesday and LHS is working diligently to ensure that he has the support he needs to lead the team. 

I want to be clear that our top priority remains creating a safe and respectful environment within the football program, and that includes re-establishing expectations for behavior. Team culture and safety relies on leadership from coaches and players that reflects the positive character of LHS football.  These incidents have reinforced that our system depends on individuals having the courage to care for each other and to report concerns immediately. While our internal investigation has concluded, if you have any concerns you have not already shared, please report those to our administrative team. We take all reports seriously, and we will handle them appropriately. 

Coach Koepke and I will be reiterating our high expectations with the entire football team to ensure that students are committed to the behavioral expectations in the LPS Athletic Code of Conduct.  Consequences will be swift and significant for any future issues related to inappropriate behavior.  We will also reinforce to all our players their responsibility to report any negative or inappropriate behavior.  

Parents, it is imperative that we work together to build a positive, respectful and safe culture.  We ask that you also reinforce these expectations with your students at home.  Our goal is to help all of our players learn important life lessons in addition to enjoying the experience of participating in team sports.  We thank you for your trust, understanding, and support.

Thank you,

Dr. Thomas Velazquez

Principal Littleton High School