(UPDATED February 21, 2025 at 7:15 a.m.) ALL LPS SCHOOLS CLOSED. ACTIVITIES CANCELED. After carefully monitoring weather conditions and forecasts, all Littleton Public Schools are closed today, Friday, February 21, 2025. All school-sponsored activities are also canceled or rescheduled. // TODAS LAS ESCUELAS DE LPS ESTÁN CERRADAS. ACTIVIDADES CANCELADAS. Después de supervisar cuidadosamente las condiciones meteorológicas y las previsiones, todas las Escuelas Públicas de Littleton están cerradas hoy, 21 de febrero de 2025. Todas las actividades patrocinadas por las escuelas también quedan canceladas o reprogramadas.
Delay/Closure Procedures || Procedimiento de Retraso/CierreLittleton Public Schools provides extensive support to teachers new to our district through our recurrent and ongoing Induction Program, which is available to teachers during the first three years in our district. It unfolds in progressive stages, following each teacher’s development and individual needs. Experienced teachers who are new to LPS generally participate in first-year induction activities.
Induction Program Goals include:
Each August district administrators, the Board of Education, building principals, and instructional coaches gather to welcome teachers new to LPS. Our welcome breakfast includes an opportunity for teachers to meet district leadership followed by a short program which includes our traditional pinning ceremony. Following the breakfast, the LPS instructional coaches join new teachers in attending Induction Day workshops organized to provide helpful information for the transition into LPS. Sessions are tailored to address teacher’s informational needs on programs and goals for school and student achievement, and to familiarize teachers with the district’s interpretation of state and national policies and practices. Professional learning support services and staff are also introduced and identified at this time.
Instructional coaches provide job-embedded professional development at each of our elementary and secondary building sites. As part of our Induction Program, our teachers meet on a regular basis with their on-site instructional coach to receive support in:
At each of our three high schools, teachers new to LPS are assigned a mentor in their content area or field who meets with them on a regular basis and provides opportunities for observation, co-planning, and assistance. Mentors assist with course materials and resources, seek to improve the new teacher’s instruction, and provide a day-to-day support for questions and problems that may arise. Mentor support is available for a minimum of one year.