The Student Spotlight segment of each Board meeting celebrates a student or a group of students who are living out the Portrait of an LPS Graduate, which highlights the life skills each LPS graduate should have. Tomorrow’s workers will succeed by constantly adapting to the changing world around them, and today’s students must begin by learning and developing life skills - where every student should be well-adjusted, thriving, and balanced.
Additionally, students will develop skills in:
LPS strives to implement opportunities to grow these skills at every level of education and recognize students of all ages. At their regularly scheduled meeting on April 11, 2024, the Board recognized groups of students from The Village for Early Childhood Education, Little Raven Elementary School, Goddard Middle School, Hopkins Elementary School, and Newton Middle School during the Student Spotlight.
The Village for Early Childhood Education
Leigh Gebhardt is a loving, caring, respectful friend that not only supports The Village’s core values in class but also is a mentor to others. She takes pride in being a positive and energetic leader in school, home and community. She exemplifies the Portrait of a Graduate trait of Character and models her enthusiasm for learning for her peers.
Frankie Vasquez is a wonderful example of the trait of Collaboration. He is a kind, smart, thoughtful guy who strives to always do the right thing, even if he thinks no one is looking. He is a peacekeeper, is everyone's friend, and is eager to listen, learn and please his teachers. He is adaptable and has the best smile and laugh.
Autumn Parks’s teachers, Ms. T and Ms. Natalie, agree that Autumn is Resilient. She is kind to all the students in her classroom and always willing to help. She demonstrates Global/Cultural Awareness by modeling positive behaviors for those students in the class who are still learning how to follow classroom routines. She is funny and a bright spot in every day!
Margaux Read exemplifies Communication, and her teacher had this to say about her: "Margaux is safe, kind, and a listener at school. She demonstrates these traits on a consistent basis and is a great role model for her peers. Margaux has been such a good student, and she really cares about her friends. She is a problem solver, and I can always depend on her to do what is right and help others.”
Axel Eckhardt’s teachers said, “We are so glad to have Axel in our classroom this year. He demonstrates strong Character by showing kindness to his friends and listening to his teachers. These strong habits serve as a foundation for academic success. He is willing to take risks both academically and socially, and his confidence as a learner continues to grow.”
Sofie Sanchez demonstrates strong Self-Advocacy skills. She has grown confident in her leadership skills, and is the junior teacher in the Pika room! She is a problem solver and loves to help her friends. She has a clear vision of how the classroom should run and is quick to remind her teachers if they leave something out! She is an awesome student and a great role model, and we are confident she has a great future as an educator if she chooses that pathway!
Little Raven Elementary School
These fifth graders are part of Little Raven’s BOLT Buddies, and they encompass Portrait of a Graduate traits of Problem Solving and Self-Advocacy in addition to being leaders in the school. They help younger students solve conflicts at recess, and they have been trained by the school counselor and psychologist on conflict resolution strategies. They are role models to our younger students, and they are an asset to the school.
Goddard Middle School
Cooper Tippett is a sixth grader at Goddard. Acting Principal Kerri Lind says, “Cooper is simply an amazing human!” Cooper was nominated as a patient ambassador for Children’s Hospital Colorado by two different doctors in 2021, and he served an active term in 2022 and 2023. He continues to help out wherever he can even though his term ended last year. His ambassador opportunities have included being the face of Children’s Miracle Network at three different Costcos, being a Denver Broncos Junior Reporter, and being a part of the Alice Cares for Kids Radiothon in 2023. Most recently, Cooper spoke at the Ace Hardware Annual Leadership Symposium. Ace Hardware is a supporter of the Children’s Miracle Network and Children’s Hospital Colorado. Cooper is also on Goddard Middle School’s honor roll and was recognized for that at a ceremony last month. Cooper is a shining example of all of the Portrait of Graduate traits, but especially those of Communication, Character, and Risk Taking!
Avery Barber is a seventh grader at Goddard. She is motivated, shows kindness towards others, and is always willing to go out of her way to be helpful to teachers, staff, and students. She has participated in many Goddard activities and clubs, including Sources of Strength, wrestling, volleyball, unified basketball, and she was recommended to join National Junior Honor Society next year as an eighth grader. Avery Collaborates with others and her Resilience shines through in her determination to excel academically and socially. Acting Principal Kerri Lind said, “Avery is a model student, and Goddard is lucky to have her!”
Hopkins Elementary School
Nora Ghylin is a prime representation of Global Awareness. Nora, with the support of her family, organized a schoolwide toy drive during the months leading up to the holidays. She set up a meeting with administration and proposed her vision which included a flyer. Nora continues to use her empathy and kindness to support Hopkins and the surrounding community.
Devion Ramirez exemplifies the Portrait of a Graduate trait of Character. As a new fifth grade student to Hopkins this year, Devion has been a model student in regards to his ability to advocate for himself and peers for social justice. He has displayed this both in the classroom and on the playground! Principal Heidi Wagner said, “We are so glad to have him at Hopkins this year!”
Leonora Priego Serrano is a great example of Risk-Taking. Leonora came to the United States just days before school started in August. In addition to learning a new language, she was faced with the challenge of making new friends and learning core academic content. Leonora continues to take risks and be a ray of sunshine.
Adam Elgarbi exemplifies the trait of Adaptability. With many schedule changes and twists that can occur on a daily basis in the school setting, Adam has been a leader in demonstrating flexibility with a positive, empathetic attitude.
Newton Middle School
Eighth graders Siena DiMuro and Hadley Glassman are incredible representations of LPS's Portrait of a Graduate as they finish up their time at Newton Middle School. They have participated in choir, drama, band, Knight Notes, and musicals for all three years on top of their excellent academic achievement in advanced classes and participation in activities outside of school. They were also both chosen to participate in the Colorado Middle School All-State Choir in eighth grade after a rigorous audition process. They were Resilient after not being accepted in seventh grade, and instead of giving up, they worked even harder toward their goals. Principal James O’Tremba said, “Their dedication to the arts and passion for leadership has shone through all of their work, and I could not be more proud to share them with you today. Their positivity radiates through every action with their peers, and they can be counted on to step in during any situation where they are needed. They can be trusted to lead any group of students and know how to make everyone feel included. Newton Middle School has been a better place because of Hadley and Siena.”