Sandburg 4th Graders Visit Governor Polis in his Capitol Office

During most years, the fourth graders at Sandburg Elementary school learn about Colorado history by taking a field trip to the State Capitol, where they take a routine guided tour: walking the steps up to the dome, seeing artifacts and visiting the Senate and House chambers.

This year was not routine, as the tour made an extra stop after Sandburg parent Sally Chafee (who works for the State) arranged for her son Will and all of the visiting fourth grade classes to have a photo opportunity with the Governor – in his office!

With the students accompanied by Sandburg teachers Tammy Walters, Christi James and Marisa Harrell, the tour guides who have worked in the Capitol Building for years told them that they had never set foot in the Governor’s office previously – this was a rare privilege and opportunity. The photo session left the kids inspired and certainly became a day they won't forget. And look closely – the Governor's dog "Gia" slipped into one of the photos!