Dear LPS Parents and Guardians,
I want to give you an update on the work of the LPS Restart Task Force; made up of teachers, special education professionals, school leaders, parents, and other professionals in nutrition services, school age child care, operations, and transportation. The Task Force has been working intently over the past three weeks to prepare for our students’ return to school in the fall. We continue to hope that all students will be able to return to our schools for in-person learning in August. We also must be prepared to return to school in a hybrid-or “blended learning”- model if that is all we are allowed to do.
We are learning from research, closely studying the plans of other school districts locally and across the country and working to improve LPS distance learning, as it will likely have to continue in some form.
Task Force members were divided into five subgroups to address five different scenarios for the fall:
Each subgroup then reported its findings and recommendations to a group of Reactionary Readers composed of teachers, principals, parents, social workers and members of the health care community to get their reactions and thoughts.
What’s next
Task Force work teams will meet again June 17 and June 19 to review the feedback the Reactionary Readers gave on June 10. Parents will have an opportunity to provide feedback to the Task Force through an emailed survey. Final recommendations will be given to the superintendent and other district leaders June 24.
Learn more about the work of the Task Force
No one can predict now what the Governor’s and health department’s restrictions on schools will be in mid August. Therefore, it is important for us to have a number of realistic plans in place. Thank you for your continued support, partnership and patience as we work to safely bring as many students back to school in the fall as possible.
Dr. Tera Helmon
Assistant Superintendent of Learning Services