Positive Behavior at Centennial Academy

(Contributed by Centennial Academy of Fine Arts)

“As a Centennial Pacer, I am Respectful, Responsible and Ready.” This is the pledge that students at Centennial Academy of Fine Arts make every morning during daily announcements. It might seem easy to say, but the staff at Centennial works diligently to help all students understand what it really means to be respectful, responsible and ready at school. Once the staff has taught students what these three words mean at school, they can acknowledge students who are doing it, and re-teach to students who do not.

This has proven to be effective at Centennial Academy. It is referred to as Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, or PBIS. Centennial Academy uses this as a process for creating a safer and more effective school, which includes acknowledging good behavior as well as helping students who are struggling to understand what is expected. “PBIS has really improved the behavior of kids. Year after year, I see less bad reports being given out. I also see kids helping others even if they don’t get a reward,” said Peyden, Centennial Academy’s Student Council President. “For example, when kids drop their supply boxes and kids around them help pick it up. I think that every kid and school should have PBIS, because it helps kids grow to be kind and helpful.”

PBIS is a national initiative that Centennial adopted seven years ago. Since then, many LPS schools have implemented it as well. A PBIS team, which consists of about ten staff members and a district coach, meets regularly to evaluate procedures and to plan new ways to acknowledge students and staff for being respectful, responsible and ready. Counselor and Dean of Students Jim Yabrove added, "PBIS has created a more caring and loving environment at our school. We have seen a drop in behavior incidents and behavior reports since we adopted PBIS at our school.”

PBIS is based on research that shows that children respond better to positive reinforcement—It is better to catch students doing the right thing than doing the wrong thing. When a teacher observes a student being respectful, responsible or ready, the teacher can acknowledge that student by giving him or her a Pacer Performer; a small ticket that can be redeemed for items in the Pacer Wagon. Whole classes can earn Corral Cards by demonstrating the three R's together.

To deepen students' understanding of the three R's, the school implemented Centennial Reads several years ago. Each month, the school selects one book with a theme that supports the three R's. For several years the theme was empathy and this year the book theme is perseverance. The principal, dean and coaches read the "Centennial Reads" book aloud in each classroom and discuss the author's message. By the end of each month, the entire school has read the same book, which can create great discussions both at school and at home.

"Students come to us each year with a wide range of understanding of what it means to be respectful, responsible and ready to learn,” said Centennial Principal Mary Ellen Dillman. “Our hope is that by teaching all of our students what it means at Centennial, we are helping them to learn valuable skills that will support them for a lifetime. PBIS has provided the structure that we needed to do this.”

Pictured: Students at Centennial Academy recite the Pacer Promise: “As a Centennial Pacer, I am respectful, responsible and ready." Each class recites the "Three R's" every morning.