Many of you know about the Family Resource Guide page of the district’s website. This is a treasure trove of resources compiled by the district’s mental health team and includes things like parental controls for child web activity, health care resources, food assistance, grief and tragedy resources, and more.
Another section of this page is dedicated to activities, and with all LPS students working in the remote learning model right now, it’s a great time to take a look at what is available to support the adults in the home making remote learning possible as well as resources to supplement what students are already learning from their teachers.
Parent Support Group
“Keep the Calm at Home” is an ongoing parent support group that meets via Zoom on Mondays from 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. or Wednesdays from 4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. This is free and offered through Colorado Spirit All Health Network. Sign up for a session, and details will be emailed to you!
Virtual Field Trips
Staying at home doesn’t mean you can’t see the world outside! Check out these virtual field trips! There are over 30, and they include touring the San Diego Zoo, exploring the surface of Mars, observing some animal cams, as well as virtually touring Yellowstone, The Louvre, and the Great Wall of China!
Supplemental Learning Opportunities
Finally, check out Wide Open School, which “helps families and educators find trusted resources to enrich and support distance learning. Every day, students can access free, high-quality learning activities across subjects, all in one place. More than 75 partners and supporters have come together to meet the change in learning needs of students, teachers, and families due to the coronavirus pandemic.”
Be sure to revisit the Family Resource Guide, as it is being updated regularly with resources and events.