Littleton Public Schools will join the nation in celebrating American Education Week (AEW), November 13th through 17th. This year’s AEW theme, “Great Public Schools: A Basic Right and Our Responsibility,” reflects LPS’ mission “to educate all students for the future by challenging every individual to continuously learn, achieve, and act with purpose and compassion in a safe and secure environment.”
Accredited with Distinction for the seventh time in a row, LPS is pleased to celebrate its role in providing quality public education. And as a district known for its incredible educational community, LPS would like to extend its heartfelt gratitude to all the devoted individuals who work to make this possible.
“One of the most important functions of public education is to level the playing field and to help all children reach their potential regardless of the circumstances in their lives,” said Superintendent Ewert. “It’s what makes this nation strong and ensures that strength in the future.”
Please join LPS, and school districts across the nation, in celebrating public education and honoring all who work to ensure that every child receives a quality education!