Dr. Temple Grandin Presents at LHS; "Helping Different Kinds of Minds Learn"

On December 7th, Dr. Temple Grandin took to the stage in Littleton High School’s new theater. A world-renowned activist for people with autism, Dr. Grandin was named one of TIME magazine’s most influential people in the world in 2010. In her presentation, ‘Helping Different Kinds of Minds Learn,” Dr. Grandin shared her experiences with autism and her incredible journey of figuring out how to successfully navigate the world with a mind that works “differently.”

After presenting her story, Dr. Grandin took questions from the audience. She addressed many ways in which parents and educators can help students to overcome the social and learning barriers associated with autism.

It was an honor to host Dr. Grandin and to have the opportunity to hear first-hand from someone who has had such a profound impact at a global level.