The Metropolitan State College of Denver Alternative Licensure Program (formerly known as Teacher in Residence, TiR) is a challenging and rigorous program that includes professional coursework, seminars, observation, and in-class coaching, designed specifically to help someone learn to be a quality teacher.
The Colorado General Assembly recognized that many school districts faced a shortage of teachers and often struggled to find qualified persons to teach their students. As a result, the General Assembly passed legislation that permits persons with experience in areas other than public school teaching to teach under the State regulations for Alternative Licensure. Metropolitan State College of Denver (MSCD) initiated its alternative licensure program in August 2000, which serves candidates hired by participating school districts to teach in one of their schools. The alternative licensure program is typically a two-year program. During both years, the alternative licensure candidate is a full-time teacher and a full-time student. The candidate attends classes at MSCD and learns how to be an effective teacher. Upon completion of program requirements, the candidate applies for an Initial Teaching License for teaching in Colorado, provided they have met all State regulations.
Quality Standard I: Teachers demonstrate mastery of and pedagogical expertise in the content they teach. The elementary teacher is an expert in literacy and mathematics and is knowledgeable in all other content that he or she teaches (e.g., science, social studies, arts, physical education, or world languages). The secondary teacher has knowledge of literacy and mathematics and is an expert in his or her content endorsement area(s).
Quality Standard II: Teachers establish a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment for a diverse population of students.
Quality Standard III: Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment that facilitates learning for their students.
Quality Standard IV: Teachers reflect on their practice.
Quality Standard V: Teachers demonstrate leadership.
Quality Standard VI: Student Growth.
Alternative Licensure Program Goals
Alternative Licensure Candidates Must
District Induction Program Year 2
Tuition and Grading
Complete tuition is $4,590. MSCD alternative licensure students are eligible to apply for financial aid. Through agreements with member districts, tuition costs will be payroll deducted monthly.
Thirty hours of course credit are awarded at the end of the second semester. Criteria for grades includes regular attendance, completion of all class assignments, participation, and demonstrated proficiency on selected performance-based benchmarks from Colorado Standards for Teachers through satisfactory completion of a Teacher Work Sample and selected portfolio artifacts. Full year participation is required for a credit to be awarded.
Roles and Responsibilities
Building Principal
Building Mentor
Cohort Instructor
Interested candidates should contact Greg Reed at 720-323-2116 or at greed8[at]mscd[dot]edu