LPS honors 10 and 20 years of service in Senior Citizen Tax Rebate Program

At its September 8 meeting, the LPS Board of Education honored members of the district's Senior Citizen's Tax Rebate program who are celebrating 10 year anniversaries.  One gentleman celebrated his 20th year!  Family and friends were in attendance, as well.  The LPS Senior Citizens Tax Rebate Program is one of the first of its kind in the nation.  It reduces participants’ portion of property tax to LPS in exchange for volunteer hours in our schools.  LPS benefits greatly from its volunteering senior citizens, who give of their time way beyond their required hours and add perspective, history, and a lifetime of experience to our students’ educational experience.  Thank you, senior volunteers, for your continued support of our students, teachers, and schools!

10 Year Anniversaries: Johanna Breggin, Glenda Enthofen, Barbara Grohoski, Jan Brousseau, Cheryl Houser, Ralph Dergance, Mary Savage, Sharon Barath, Patti Michel, Richard Backes, Sandi Boldman, Ed Miller, Marilyn Miller, Joyce Bresloff, Conrad Ogden, Margie Collignon.

20 Year Anniversary:  Robert Mayerchak