During its regularly scheduled April 11 meeting, the LPS Board of Education unanimously approved a change to Board policy that limits distractions on personal devices in the classroom. Many schools across the district have made these positive changes over the past year or so, and now Board Policy JICJ Student Use of Cell Phones and Other Personal Technology Devices is in alignment with our current practice.
Essentially, the changes expand the definition of a “personal technology device” to include wearable technology such as a smart watch. The policy outlines the expectations that in Grades K–8, personal technology devices are to remain in the student’s locker or backpack, turned off or on silent the entire academic school day. In Grades 9 and up, personal technology devices are to remain put away during classes and are available during lunch and free periods. Principals will continue to have discretion when there are special circumstances, such as medical monitoring that is done through a smart watch. This policy goes into effect for the 2024–2025 school year.
The change comes after input was gathered from parents, teachers, principals, district mental health professionals, and high school students, who agreed that devices in classrooms can have negative consequences. Research points to many reasons to limit student exposure to the distractions that come with personal technology devices during the school day; about 40 percent of students ages 8–12 are on social media every day, and 33 percent of students ages 13–17 are on social media “constantly.” Research shows that students are even distracted by other student’s devices.
Parents will still be able to connect with their students during the school day if necessary by calling the school office.
View the Board presentation and the approved changes to the policy.