When a HOLD is initiated: A HOLD is initiated when there is a safety concern in the hallways of the building when it is necessary to restrict movement within the school. Examples that may prompt a HOLD being called include a medical emergency or a physical altercation occurring in the hallway.
When a SECURE is initiated: A SECURE is initiated when there is a threat outside the building. A SECURE is often implemented due to emergency situations that take place in the neighborhood close to the school. Examples that may prompt a SECURE being called include a bank robbery nearby, police activity, or a dangerous animal in the area.
When a LOCKDOWN is initiated: A LOCKDOWN is used when there is an active threat or dangerous incident on campus. Students and staff must find immediate shelter inside the nearest classroom as quickly as possible. Lock the door and turn out the lights. Stay out of the line of sight and gather in a space so someone in the hallway couldn't see you when looking through a doorway. Huddle behind large items for extra protection, and consider barricading the doorway if it can be done quickly. Be very quiet. Be prepared to move quickly. Don't open the door for anyone--stay until law enforcement comes to your classroom and leads you to safety.
When an EVACUATE is initiated: An EVACUATE is used to get students and staff out of the building by a route designed to avoid contact with a potential threat, such as a suspicious package, a threatening person in a specific confined area, a bomb threat, or a hazardous material spill. An EVACUATION protects staff and students from a threat where the exact location in the building is known.
When a SHELTER is initiated: A SHELTER is issued for severe weather or hazardous material incidents. A SHELTER directive is used to relocate students and staff to a safe area away from potential weather- or HAZMAT-related danger.