Hello volunteers! After prom plans are in full swing. Each hall has a theme and a plan. What we need now are worker bees for those halls!!! A work night schedule has been set up and each hall is looking for folks to come in and help. The work nights are in the art room from 7-9:00 pm. The dates are:

Feb.- 4, 11,18, 25

March - 1,3,8,10,15,17,29,31

April - 5,7,14,19, 21,26,28

Some things can be done at home if that works better for you. These nights would include painting, cutting, visiting, laughing and general fun. If this is up your alley, please contact the hall chairperson, Camilla Rictor and she can plug you into a hall.

This event is a tradition at Arapahoe that has been around for over 30 years. The reason it is so great is because of our volunteers. It takes hundreds to put this together. Let's do it up for these great kids. Hope you can come and help!!

D.D. Walsh
AHS After Prom Chair