** We are grateful to the Class of 1973 for their generous donation to students at AHS and funding the 2024 Trip to the Wind River Reservation in Riverton, WY*
CLASS of 1975 -- 50 Year Reunion
WHO: YOU! Plus, we have invited all the living faculty from our school days to attend, so come visit with the ones who had a great influence on our lives. We will also have a memorial service for the 42 classmates that are no longer with us.
WHEN: The weekend of July 11th, 2025 with our main event Saturday, July 12, 2025
WHAT: Events listed below
**continue to check our website and eventbrite for more information, details, and additional events as they come available**
HOW: Purchase eventbrite tickets to our main event here!
WHERE: Need a hotel? Check out these hotels in the area that have offered discounted rooms
Please see the attached letter for the opportunity to be part of our class gift. Mike Hunt has spent countless hours putting this together and it is a wonderful opportunity for our class!! We request donations to be sent by March 15.
We are trying to contact as many from our class as possible to include in our database for future information about the reunion. Please email the following information to our reunion email arapahoetribeof75[at]gmail[dot]com: Name you used in high school, name you use now, email address and phone number for text contact. Let us know of any additional classmates that you have info for and let them know of this site/info. Once you register, make sure that you check your spam folder for event notifications.
We can't wait to see everyone in celebration of our amazing Arapahoe! Let's celebrate our shared history, memories, antics, and experiences with each other! 50 years WOW!! Let's celebrate US!
Thank you,
Class of 75' Planning Committee
Class of 2015--10 Year Reunion
Contact Claire Griffin for any info clairemg19[at]gmail[dot]com or see the reunion website: www.ahs2015.com to list your preferred activities and dates for our reunion weekend.
To add information to this page, please contact Abby Kuhlmann, Arapahoe Activities Director at 303-347-6013, or you may email her your content at akuhlmann[at]lps.k12.co[dot]us