1st Grade

All homework and assignments are on Google Classroom.  Google Classroom are shared with current students only.

Core Knowledge is a clear and sequential body of knowledge that builds each year beginning with What your First Grader Needs to Know by E.D. Hirsch, Jr.  Because we are a public school in Colorado, we have aligned CK with Colorado Academic Standards.  The body of knowledge can be found in the Core Knowledge Sequence  and the text Core Virtues by Mary Beth Klee.

First grade has fun learning all about habitats, American symbols, Maya, Aztec and Inca, the continents, astronomy and so much more.

Some of the Core Knowledge Sayings and Phrases students learn in first grade: An apple a day keeps the doctor away; If at first you don't succeed; try, try again; There's no place like home; Practice makes perfect; Hit the nail on the head.


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Ms. Allen - Homeroom Teacher 

Mrs. Weeber - Homeroom Teacher 