(UPDATED February 21, 2025 at 7:15 a.m.) ALL LPS SCHOOLS CLOSED. ACTIVITIES CANCELED. After carefully monitoring weather conditions and forecasts, all Littleton Public Schools are closed today, Friday, February 21, 2025. All school-sponsored activities are also canceled or rescheduled. // TODAS LAS ESCUELAS DE LPS ESTÁN CERRADAS. ACTIVIDADES CANCELADAS. Después de supervisar cuidadosamente las condiciones meteorológicas y las previsiones, todas las Escuelas Públicas de Littleton están cerradas hoy, 21 de febrero de 2025. Todas las actividades patrocinadas por las escuelas también quedan canceladas o reprogramadas.

Delay/Closure Procedures || Procedimiento de Retraso/Cierre

As you know, all AHS students are required to bring a fully-charged laptop computer to school each day (and your charger if you know the battery won’t last all day). This is either your personal laptop or a Chromebook you have checked out for the year from us.

While that is the expectation, we know that at times things happen and you may not have a working laptop with you on a certain day. Here is the procedure you should follow:

  • If your AHS-issued Chromebook is not working correctly, you can bring it in (along with the charger) and we can exchange it. (Note: this must be a normal issue and not user-caused damage - see the Responsible Use Policy for more information).
  • If you have a one-day issue with your computer (AHS Chromebook or personal laptop), then you can checkout a charged Chromebook from the library before first period. You will then need to return the Chromebook by the end of the day. If you do not, there will be a fine of $1 a day that it is overdue (up to a maximum of $5). If you do not return it after 5 days, it will be turned in as missing and you will be fined for the price of the Chromebook. (Of course, if you bring in the Chromebook, it will revert back to the $5 fine.)
  • If the problem is likely to be longer than one day (personal laptop), then you need to checkout a Chromebook for the remainder of the year. You will need to print out this Responsible Use Policy, fill it out, and get it signed by you and your parents. Bring in the completed form to the library and we will check out a Chromebook to you. You can always turn the Chromebook back in when your laptop is repaired - you do not have to keep the Chromebook for the rest of the year.

Needing to check a chromebook out for the day should be a very rare (if ever) occurrence. If you have any questions about this policy, please see Mr. Fisch in the library.