(UPDATED February 21, 2025 at 7:15 a.m.) ALL LPS SCHOOLS CLOSED. ACTIVITIES CANCELED. After carefully monitoring weather conditions and forecasts, all Littleton Public Schools are closed today, Friday, February 21, 2025. All school-sponsored activities are also canceled or rescheduled. // TODAS LAS ESCUELAS DE LPS ESTÁN CERRADAS. ACTIVIDADES CANCELADAS. Después de supervisar cuidadosamente las condiciones meteorológicas y las previsiones, todas las Escuelas Públicas de Littleton están cerradas hoy, 21 de febrero de 2025. Todas las actividades patrocinadas por las escuelas también quedan canceladas o reprogramadas.

Delay/Closure Procedures || Procedimiento de Retraso/Cierre

The Winter Dance is on Saturday, February 8th from 7-10pm at LHS.  Ticket prices $10 in advance, and $15 on the day of the dance.  Tickets will be sold at school and online before the dance.  You can purchase tickets online here. This year's theme is Candyland to help us celebrate our Make a Wish student, Ariel, a five year old boy.  Click here for the guest form.  LHS students can bring one non-LHS student to the dance, but must fill this form out and have it turned in by February 5th at noon.