Wednesday's Spirit Day is Mardi Gras Colors/Beads Day.  Thursday's Spirit Day is Spooky Day.  Friday's Spirit Day is Class T-Shirt/Spirit Day.  You, students, can contribute to your class's spirit points by posting homecoming week-related pictures under your class hashtag. The hashtag for freshmen and 8th graders is #lhsmardigras22, sophomores is #lhsmardigras21, juniors #lhsmardigras20, and seniors #lhsmardigras19. To learn more about spirit points and your class hashtag, check for posters hung around the school!

Homecoming Dance Tickets and Class T-Shirts are on sale Wednesday at the Attendance Office and Thursday and Friday in the Cafeteria. Pre-sale tickets for the dance are $15; they will be $18 at the door. Gather your friends; don't miss out!

Times for Friday's events are as follows:

Pep Rally, after Period 8, 2:55 pm, North Gym

Carnival, 3:35 pm, Grass Fields

Tailgater, 6:00 pm, Athletic Lot

Football Game, 7:00 pm, Stadium

If you are planning on bringing a guest to the Homecoming dance, you will find the forms at Student Services and in the main office.  The guest forms are due on Thursday.

The Homecoming Dance is Saturday, September 22, from 8 - 11 pm. If you'd like to go but are not going because you do not have a dress or formal attire, please visit our clothes closet, the Lions' Cupboard. You can make an appointment to go by seeing Mr. Hahn in the Counseling Office.

Go, Lions!