You probably know that you should keep your child with a fever at home, but when else should they stay out of class? If your child doesn’t feel well enough to take part in normal activities, (overly tired, fussy or won’t stop crying), they need more care than teachers and staff can give (while teaching other children in the classroom), then it's a good idea to keep them at home. The flu has arrived at Lenski,and we ask that if your child has tested positive for Flu A or B that you communicate this when you call in their absence. Students with a fever should stay out of class and school for 24 hours AFTER the fever has ended (without the use of medication). We understand that keeping children home can be a headache, but it helps control the spread of illness in our classrooms! You can read the complete LPS illness policy here or contact the school office 303-347-4575 with any questions.