Welcome to the Fourth Grade webpage! Fourth Grade is a great year for students as they transition from the primary grades into the intermediate level. Fourth grade is a year of significant academic growth. In addition, we work on creating a level of independence, responsibility and organization.
Academic growth is very important and is encouraged in all subjects. In reading, students will focus upon active engagement, high levels of comprehension, and vocabulary skills. In language arts, students will continue to refine their writing skills with an emphasis on adding specific detailed information, improved word choice and vocabulary. Editing and revising skills are taught and practiced.
Fourth grade uses technology on a regular basis, and students will learn to create products using a variety of tools. A work portfolio will be kept for each student and sent home at the end of the year.
Social studies and science units are integrated into the curriculum throughout the year, and field trips are planned to enhance the students’ appreciation of Colorado history, geography and government.
Rendezvous 4-Mile Park Dinosaur Ridge Forms of Energy Colorado History Colorado Life Zones Colorado Geography Colorado Famous People Colorado Mine Field Trip |
Email: jpicha[at]lps.k12.co[dot]us
Email: lmyers[at]lps.k12.co[dot]us