New enrichment flyers are now posted on the Lenski website.  The following classes will be starting up after Spring Break: 

  • Spanish - Starts 3/28 or 3/30
  • Bits, Bytes and Bots - Lego Machines - Starts 3/29
  • Mad Science - Starts 4/5
Spots are also still available in After School Art starting this week, Red Hot Robots starting next week and KidStage starting in two weeks.  The website has all of the information about each class.
If you are enrolling your students, please download and complete your form and return it to the Lenski office as directed on the form.  Please complete a form for each student for each class.  Forms are also available in the Lenski office. 
If you have questions regarding enrichment, please contact the Lenski office at 303-347-4575.
Thank you. 
Lenski Office Staff