Do you ever visit Streets of SouthGlenn? You can help Lenski earn money by saving your receipts and earning Lenski points that turn into money for our school! To learn more about the Streets at SouthGlenn program, click here. 
Simply shop and log your Streets of SouthGlenn receipts! Beginning Monday, August 15th, keep your original receipts from all stores and restaurants and turn them in to help Lenski earn money!  Receipts must be dated between August 15, 2016 and April 30, 2017.  Turn your receipts in to the bin on the table in the front lobby at school or in the Lenski slot near guest services at SouthGlenn.  Electronic receipts can be logged on the Street Smarts website here.  Every dollar earns 5 points, so turn in even the smallest dollar receipt to help out. 
The money Lenski wins is used to purchase gift cards that will be raffled off at different fundraisers to earn even more money for our kids!  Thanks to all that shop and turn in receipts!

Questions?  Feel free to contact Jan McElhiney.