Littleton Public Schools

Red Cross Community Emergency Preparedness Evening


May 04th 2016

Ames Training Facility

7300 S. Clermont Drive

Centennial Colorado


Please join us for snacks, beverages and a fun evening about learning how to protect your family community in an emergency. The Denver Chapter of the American Red Cross will be offering the following educational opportunities for the Littleton Public Schools parents, students and community. 



For students in grades 3-5

The Pillowcase Project

Two classes will be offered on May 04th 2016   6:00pm-7:00pm and 7:15pm-8:15pm.

The Pillowcase Project is a preparedness education program for children in grades 3 – 5, which teaches students about personal and family preparedness, local hazards, and basic coping skills. Generally given as a 60 minute presentation by Red Cross volunteers, the program leads students through a “learn, practice, share” framework to engage them in disaster preparedness. Students receive a sturdy pillowcase upon completion of the program in which they are encouraged to build their personal emergency supplies kit. Presentations are customized to focus on a hazard that is important and relevant to the local community.

The New Orleans chapter originally developed the project after Hurricane Katrina. The program, currently sponsored by Disney, was standardized and updated in 2013 and pilot tested in several RedCross regions. The Pillowcase Project has now been expanded to include 60 Red Cross regions implementing the pilot in 2014, covering most states in the U.S. and in Puerto Rico. The Global Disaster Preparedness Center is also working with Disney support to expand the program internationally in 2014, pilot testing international implementation in 6 countries. 


For older students, parents and community members

Be Red Cross Ready

Two classes will be offered on May 4th 2016   6:00pm-7:00pm and 7:15pm-8:15pm

It’s important to prepare for possible disasters and other emergencies. Natural and human caused disasters can strike suddenly, at any time and anywhere. Learn measures and actions that can be helpful to deal with emergencies that may arise. Red Cross professionals will be providing the presentation that will help the attendees be prepared. 



For Kindergarten-2nd grade students 

Junior First Aid

Two classes will be offered on May 04th 2016    6:00pm-7:00pm and 7:15pm-8:15pm

It can be scary if someone is hurt or sick especially when an emergency arises.   This course will help K-2nd graders on how to stay calm and help people when an emergency arises. Attendees will learn:

Learn the first steps to take in an emergency

How to talk to emergency responders

Make a portable First Aid Kit

How to handle First Aid Issues

Care for a person who is sick



Please RSVP by email ggrace[at][dot]us or by phone 303-347-3420