Dear Parents,


During cold and flu season we need your help keeping students healthy at school. We count on you to be partners with us in this priority.
The most important steps that all of us can take are simple ones that help prevent the spread of illness. Please:
  • Clean hands frequently
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with the inside your elbow
  • Get adequate rest
In the event your child becomes sick, we urge you develop a plan if your child needs to be kept home from school. Please keep your child home from school if they don't feel well enough to take part in normal activities. 
Students with Strep Throat must stay home for 24 hours after starting antibiotics and until the child is able to take part in usual activities. 
Please note that for "flu-like" symptoms (tiredness, body aches, vomiting, or diarrhea) AND a fever, LPS asks your child stay home for 24 hours after the fever has naturally subsided (without the use of any medications).
Below are a few common illnesses and symptoms when children should be kept home from school: