• We continued our weekly B3 rewards drawings. Weekly winners received their bracelets and had a group photo taken and displayed on the TV in the entrance.

  • Second Step:

    • In Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grade we have played ‘Simon Says’ and learned how to be better learners by listening to each other, focusing our attention and following directions.

    • In 1st and 2nd Grade we practiced quiet self-talk to help us stay on task and handle distractions.

    • In 2nd and 3rd Grade we discussed the difference between passive, assertive, and aggressive behavior. We learned that being assertive is a respectful way to get what we want or need.

    • In 4th and 5th Grade we learned how strong emotions can make it difficult to think clearly and problem-solve. We can describe what happens in our brains and bodies when we experience strong emotions.

    • Most classes have received ‘Home Link’ worksheets to discuss at home.

  • Making Healthy Choices Week: In conjunction with the PBIS program student leadership introduced a Making Healthy Choices Program to coincide with Red Ribbon Week in October. Student leadership representatives worked with Coach Wilson to encourage participation in the Littleton Stride which develops physical health and well-being. Representatives also supported healthy nutrition choices every day, handing out orange slices to all students to provide energy for continued learning. Ultimately the students worked to inspire healthy choices by working with the school psychologist and classroom teachers to encourage kind, thoughtful, caring and respectful behavior in our school. Student leaders meet once a month with classrooms to discuss the events at school as well as demonstrate appropriate leadership qualities and responsible and safe behaviors.