STEAM education is a growing force in modern classrooms.  Experience with science, technology, engineering, art, and math is important in twenty-first century learning.  STEAM projects prepare students to succeed in higher education as well as a variety of careers.  Lenski is excited to be offering STEAM projects at several grade levels this year.
Lenski students have had great enthusiasm for STEAM projects this school year.  Two of our amazing fifth grade teachers, Sue Holt & Kenna Wilhelm, have been able to provide opportunities for engineering activities in 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 5th grade.  Each student participates in a project about once a month.  The process has followed the pattern ASK, IMAGINE, PLAN, CREATE, & IMPROVE.
In 2nd grade, students have worked on projects that align with the Science standards, studying force & motion and habitats.  Students worked in teams or with partners to design and build slow marble courses, fast gummy bear sleds, and most recently, creatures that could survive in the twilight zone of a cave.
In 3rd grade the focus has been survival.  Students have created huts to withstand a windstorm, bridges to support weight, waterproof containers, and catapults. Each student has a STEAM binder with their project plans and observations.  Next they will build rafts!
In 5th grade, the engineering enrichment has seen students build tall towers out of straws & tape, create paper airplanes to hit a target, and design launchers to achieve different tasks.  Students have collaborated with teams or partners to talk about the process through preproduction, production, postproduction, and redesign.
Each project is designed to incorporate constraints, testing or presentation of a final project, and time for reflection or improvement.  Constraints may include materials allowed and size or time limitations.  Testing of a project may include measuring a distance, height, or time, holding a weight, or withstanding a force. Students then consider what worked well with their project, what they admired in other projects and ideas for redesign.

If you haven't already, ask your students about these exciting STEAM projects they are doing!  Look for more STEAM initiatives in the coming months from Lenski.