Dear Parents,
The results of the Lenski School Climate Survey have been released and presented to the Lenski Accountability Committee.
Overall, the Lenski Climate Survey results show that we are performing in the positive range on all dimensions measured, with the exception of  the Social Media and the Sense of Social Emotional Security dimensions.
  • The Social Mediadimension measures how safe students feel from physical harm, verbal abuse/teasing, gossip, and exclusion when online or on electronic devices.
Based on the overall feedback from parents, students, and staff we learned that parents are more concerned about social media safety than students and staff. Students and staff feel positive about social media safety, their ratings have even improved compared to last year. Our parents' feedback falls in the neutral range, just as it did last year, and is in line with the feedback received district-wide. 
  • The Sense of Social-Emotional Security dimension measures how safe students feel from verbal abuse, teasing, and exclusion.
On this dimension the survey results suggest that our students have a higher level of concern than parents and staff - though their feedback falls in the neutral range, with no change compared to last year. Our Lenski students actually report a higher sense of social-emotional security than students in other elementary schools, district- and nationwide. Parent and staff feedback was positive and fell in line with the feedback received districtwide. 
Given these results, our school has decided to review our social media and social-emotional safety procedures and find ways to improve our ratings.
  • Mike Porter, Director of Technology for Littleton Public Schools, will be invited to speak with parents regarding the use of social media for their students.
  • Dana Wilhelm and Marla Terwilliger will review the technology contract with students at the beginning of the year and set behavioral expectations.
  • The Positive Behavior Intervention and Support committee, with representatives from each grade-level, will meet with district PBIS specialists over the summer to plan for modifications to our discipline tracking and follow-up procedures in the coming school year.  
Dr. Barbara DeSpain
In January we continued our weekly B3 rewards drawings. Weekly winners received their bracelets and had a group photo taken and displayed on the TV in the entrance.
Second Step
A big thank-you to all Lenski families who continue to diligently complete and return the take-home activities which reinforce social-emotional skills and allow your students to tell you what they have learned in school.
  • In Kindergarten we learned about Compassion, caring about how someone else feels, and observed how we feel Worry in our bodies. All feelings are natural and it is important to talk to a grown-up when we feel worried.
  • In 1st grade we discussed how counting and talking to a grown-up can help us calm down and manage worries.
  • 2nd graders started the Emotional Management unit. We learned to identify physical clues and recognize how we feel. In order to calm down and problem-solve we now know to give ourselves a stop signal and name our feeling.
  • In 3rd grade we talked about managing test anxiety, handling accusations, and managing disappointment.
  • 4th graders discussed how some solutions to problems are complicated and need a plan. Plans help us break down a big task into smaller, more manageable parts.
  • In 5th grade we learned that seeking help from a trusted adult is sometimes the best solution.