The LPS Stride Winner is....LENSKI!

Thanks to all students, families and faculty who registered and represented Lenski in the Littleton Stride.  It is with great pride that we announce Lenski's 9th win of the Stride Trophy!  The trophy is awarded to the school in the district with the most participants; we had 360! We also received a $1,000 grant from the Littleton Public School Foundation for having the elementary team with the most participants. Lenski has demonstrated phenomenal support of the Littleton Stride District fundraiser over the years and one of the direct impacts of that support has been Lenski's use of the bike fleet that Foundation purchased.  Our PE department has also used the funds to buy items that enhance the program like a set of 30 scooters, various new balls, cones, jump ropes, beanbags and other items like our new ball rack. 

A special thanks to Tori Hirschfeld, who did an amazing job in her rookie year as our Stride Captain.  She had big shoes to fill!  Along with handling the in-school registration, putting up class tally sheets and other duties, she also was at the Stride at 6:30am to set up the Lenski Tent.  Way to go Tori!


I would also like to thank the amazing leadership of Margie Bradley and Leslie Suh of the Lenski Running Club!  They provided a fantastic way to not only encourage a healthy lifestyle in our students, but to raise awareness and encourage participation in the Littleton Stride.
Classes will celebrate the Stride victory at an assembly at Lenski early next week. Recesses will be awarded to the grade level classes with the greatest percentage of Stride participation and the class with the overall highest participation will be awarded a "Space Invaders" game with me.
Thank you again Lenski for your amazing turnout at the 2016 Littleton Stride!
Coach Wilson