We know that many families like to express their appreciation and gratitude to the teachers, aids, administration staff and bus drivers during the holiday season but it can be a very time consuming and stressful undertaking! So, in an effort to help ease the gift giving, the Lenski PTO is doing the same program as the end of the prior school year which allows families to contribute any amount (in $1 increments) to the staff whom they choose. Then, we will consolidate all amounts each individual receives as well as the online notes you write to them and provide them with a collective holiday gift!  So, it is a win for all - an easy process for families to recognize a wide array of staff and a way for the staff to get something they want (and the teachers and staff were so appreciative and loved this at the end of the year)! The form to contribute will be coming out by December 2nd.  
If you have any questions, please reach out to Kelly Harrison at 303-522-8172 or macfeek[at]hotmail[dot]com. Thank you!