Lenski got a new Art Room over the summer!  

What was formerly the computer mini lab and a dark room was reconfigured to be the Art Room that all classes have been enjoying this year.  Many people came together to create this room.  Walls came down, a soffit was installed to cover plumbing and a sink was installed in the room.  Add a tile floor, furniture and shelving and the result is a fully functioning room where our art teachers, Mrs. Claudia Thomas and Mrs. Leah Jones, are able to teach on a whole new level!  No longer do they need to wheel all the supplies needed for each lesson into the classroom.  Classes come to them and everyone has room to work.

Lenski takes pride in this room and is able to celebrate art on a whole new level with a mystery artist of the week and posters of famous pieces of art, art elements and charts of warm and cool colors.  The art room also has a document camera that allows them for the first time to pull up images on the computer in the Art Room.  

Stop by and have a look the next time you are at Lenski!